A long walk – many miles and many beers!

On Saturday 7 May I walked the entire Medway Valley Path in Kent. I started at Tonbridge at 08:00 and ended up at Rochester at 20:30, some 28 miles later. It was a beautiful day and the countryside was really wonderful. There were some dry areas in terms of beer availability, but nonetheless I still managed to drink 12 pints of great beer along the way. The river path just before Maidstone was closed due to a railway subsidence, but this was not as tragic as I initially thought since the diversion away from the river Medway took me to a pub called the First and Last on the outskirts of Maidstone. I had three great pints here and some great chat with the locals. I got to Rochester with some aches and pains, but all in all a great day.

Beckenham Special Mild

Brewed 58L of a special mild over the Bank Holiday  weekend. It should ferment out at about 4.7%. This is generally weaker than I would normally make a brew, but I wanted something that I could sup a few  pints of during the summer months without falling over! I used some exotic malts such as Vienna malt and Victory malt, as well as an unusual sugar called Panela. This is raw brown cane sugar boiled down to a hard block and contains all the impurities as well – it tastes delicious!